Residents, Social Landlords and Community Groups invited to cost of living think tank
This Housing Plus Academy event will explore ways different groups are responding to the crisis. Always keen to tackle significant
This Housing Plus Academy event will explore ways different groups are responding to the crisis. Always keen to tackle significant
Supporters of Trafford Hall met to celebrate the successful partnership between The Regenda Group, YHA (England & Wales) and the
An impact case study, based on the work of the Housing Plus Academy, was included in the London School of
In 2020 on the passing of one of NCRC’s greatest supporters, Professor John Hills, Dame Sue Owen launched this memorial
Book now! This two day, residential event is CIH certified and provides a perfect opportunity for you to reconnect with
Discussions and outcomes from the event will contribute to a report that will be made available to key government departments.
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Charity no. 1005555
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